Understanding what makes a high performance team requires that we understand what a 'team' really is. At 300 our first questions to our clients are focused on understanding whether a 'team' is really required, or a cooperating group.
Sounds pedantic?
There is a profound difference between teams and groups, and how they need to be led, motivated, rewarded and managed. It also affects the type of people you need to appoint as team members and leaders. So many organisations struggle with team performance, because they haven't considered the difference.
And the magic question?
Simple: What is the purpose of the group?
When we know that we can guide you through all the elements of organisational design and leadership, and help you develop the appropriate structures.
300 has deep expertise in this critical area. We have both academic and practitioner knowledge to help understand and guide our clients. It's our belief that understanding PURPOSE is the single most critical consideration in organisational performance.